Capital Improvement Projects
If you are looking to make significant changes to your plant, PMSI can help. Contact us for major equipment repairs, facility repairs, piping repairs, assistance with planning and scheduling of maintenance, shutdowns, demolition, and new construction. Our scope of services also includes stairway and platform construction and installation, concrete repair, pump repair, pipe fabrication/ prefabrication and installation, insulation installation and repair, steam tracing and repair, instrument tubing, part fabrication, and installation of new or used equipment and tanks.
PMSI takes pride in a stellar client relationship program and a safety policy that has resulted in zero accidents to date. Among the key parts of the client relationship program are weekly face-to-face meetings with key personnel, daily involvement with each site’s quality teams, and periodic client surveys to review work quality, safety adherence, follow-through, and successful project completion. Based in Winthrop Harbor, IL, Projects and Maintenance Services of Illinois provides capital improvement project help to commercial and industrial customers in Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Indiana, and Iowa. Please visit our mission and about pages for more information about our company, and our safety policy. Contact us for more information on how we can be of service to you.